Valentine's Day Pumping Heart


Sunday 24 August 2014


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Drury, K. 2000. "Hemaris thysbe" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed August 24, 2014 at

Hoilett, A. 2013. "Trochilus polytmus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed August 24, 2014 at

Prediger, A. 2012. "Leptotyphlops dulcis" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed August 24, 2014 at

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Boucher, E. 2007. "Daubentonia madagascariensis" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed August 24, 2014 at

Dewey, T. 2009. "Moloch horridus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed August 24, 2014 at

Wilson, C. 2002. "Scarus vetula" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed August 24, 2014 at

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Parrot Fish, Parrot Fish Pictures, Parrot Fish Facts - National Geographic. (n.d.). National Geographic. Retrieved September 1, 2014, from

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Mexican Axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) - Information on Mexican Axolotl - Encyclopedia of Life. (n.d.). Encyclopedia of Life. Retrieved September 1, 2014, from

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               Atheris squamigera African Bush Viper, Rough-scaled Bush Viper also well known as The Bush viper.This animal accurately found in at elevations ranging from 100 to 400 m in elevation. The climate of the Takamanda Forest Reserve, Cameroon, where this species is particularly abundant, alternates between rainy (April to November) and dry seasons. Rainfall in the Reserve varies from 1500 mm to 10,000 mm per year. The typical colour for this species is yellowish-green on the dorsum and venter.according to article that I have found “A. squamigera also has relatively large eyes. It has long, tubular, hollow fangs, which are supplied with venom by a gland located on the upper jaw, between the eyes and mouth. These retractable fangs are connected to a bone that can shift posteriorly within the upper jaw to house the fangs. (Branch and Bayliss, 2009; Chifundera, 1990; Corniskey, et al., 2003; Cundall, 2009; Ota and Hidida, 1987)”.


The usual average range length is 50 to 79.9 cm.The average lifespan for this Bush viper is 10 to 20 years in the wild. This Atheris squamigera are mostly normal like other vipers, they play a role as an ambush predator.  They will spend most of their time by laying and waiting to grab any prey with speeds recorded in milliseconds.


Honestly, This creature are roughly like my addiction. I won’t miss any chance to touch them if I could and I have a dream to keep them with for the rest of life. I absolutely fall in love with their Gorgeous colour.For me, Snake show some elegant attitude and have the biggest secret weapon .They also have their own concept, people will respect them and afraid of them even though they only have small size of body.



                  Ambystoma mexicanum Salamandra ajolote or as known as Axolots,they may be found in Lakes Chalco and Xochimilco of the Valley of Mexico near Mexico City, Mexico.The Biogeographic regions for this Axolots is Neotropical.Acccording to Amy Majchrzak “Axolotls are paedomorphic or neotenic aquatic salamanders, meaning they retain certain larval characteristics in the adult, reproductive state. They possess feathery external gills and finned tails for swimming. Laboratory animals exist in several colour morphs, ranging from wild type (dark, mottled brownish-green) to albino. Axolotls reach lengths on average of 20 cm (9 inches), but can grow to more than 30 cm (12 inches) in length”. This animal usually can be detect their gender when they become adults,which Is female have a smaller cloaca and round, plump bodies than male.



       The common mass for axolots is 60 to 110 g and average length is 23cm.The lifespan for this animal is 5 to 6 years but this animals one of extinct list and the population for this little creature are keep decline. Axolotls are solitary and may be active at any time of the day, this show that how active are this creature. This animal are so cute because they can smile like a human and they assembling cartoon character. They use via visual cues and chemical cues during mating. They can detect electrical fields and also use their vision and chemical cues and can detect their threaten in faster ways.
   The cutest thing about this animal they just eat everything that they can catch including including molluscs, fishes, and arthropods, as well as con specifics.The ecosystem roles for this creature the Axolots are the he top predator in their native environment. I was really impress with animals because they were so cute but they was a top predator.

Saturday 23 August 2014


Aye -aye

               Daubentonia madagascariensis also known as Aye-aye and commonly found in wide variety of environments including primary and secondary rainforest, deciduous forest, cultivated plantations, and occasionally dry scrub forest and mangrove forest. They spend most of their time in the upper two levels of the canopy. The accurate mass weight for this Aye-aye is 2570 to 2615 g and length around 360 to 440 mm.The unusual  about this animal is they can mating cycle females typically mate with more than one male, representing a multi-male, multi-female mating system. The lifespan for this creature is 23.3 years.

Baby Aye-aye
          I think I love this animal because this animal are one of  the main character in Madagascar cartoon. I do really happy to know this animal are really exist and I love to look for this animals. Baby aye-aye must be so cute because its look alike a baby monkey but they are different. According to  Elizabeth Boucher Aye –Aye have a head-body length from 360 to 440 mm and a long bushy tail. The coat is long, coarse, and either dark brown or black in color, with scattered white guard hairs. The face and throat are pale gray and facial features include yellow-orange or sandy brown eyes surrounded by dark markings, large triangular ears, a short snout, and a pink nose. There is no significant sexual dimorphism between males and females”.
Aye-aye skeleton hand

            The irony about Aye-aye is have have highly specialized digits. The third digit of the hand is slender(moving and bending with ease), elongated(synonyms to stretched), and flexible(able to flex:able to bend easily), and is especially important in feeding behaviors. The Aye –aye spent their time to sleep in daytime and only come out during the half an hour before sunset and continues to 3 hours after sunset and male are more active than female. Their habit is clinging upside down on branches  so they  can rest vertically or horizontally. They are carnivore type of food chain and they love to eat leaves seeds, grains, and nuts fruit nectar, sap or other plant fluids.Vividly this animals are easy to take as a pets and they are adorable too. 

cute little Aye-aye habit



                  Umbonia crassicornis (Amyot and Serville) (Insecta: Hemiptera: Membracidae) is the scientific name for the Umbonia spinopsa .This animal can be found in South and Central America, Mexico, and southern Florida.The uniqueness about this animals is they have thorn and they well known as Thorn bug.According to research that I have found The thorn bug is an occasional pest of ornamentals and fruit trees in southern Florida. During heavy infestations, nymphs and adults form dense clusters around the twigs, branches and even small tree trunks. The trunks were so heavily infested that is was difficult to place a finger anywhere on the trunk without touching a specimen.this animal have various species as to size, color and structure, particularly the pronotal horn of males. Typically, the adult is about 0.5 inch in length and is green or yellow with reddish lines and brownish markings.In my personal opinion this creature is really beautiful and magnificent.


 Hemaris thysbe or known as The hummingbird Hawk-moth.This gorgeous moth might be found in north as Alaska and the Northwest Territories. In the continental United States, Hemaris thysbe they occur west to Oregon. They are most common in the eastern part of the United States, and as far south as Florida and Texas. Hemaris habitat usually plowing flower gardens, meadows, and forest edges. The significant about this unique creature is they can fly far away and a few of them can across desert regions because the scarcity of food and water sources even though they have small body.


 Average for adults Hemris tysbe wings is 4 to 5.5 cm and the colour for their wings is dark red to almost black. According to Katie Drury “After their first flight however, some of the scales fall off, leaving clear spots with no scales. Thus, the wings are typically clear with reddish to brown color border. The forewing cell has a medial row of scales and a dark margin. The body is spindle shaped and varies in color from olive green to reddish-brown”.
Life Cycle of Hummingbird Hawk-moth
In my personal perception, this moth is really beautiful and if woman have a chance to choose want they want to be as a moth, they will choose this creature because they looks lovely and have woman scent. As we all know, woman are really complex but have soft heart and really protective same goes to this creature behavior because they often involves pheromones, love songs and aerobatic flight. As I said before this creature have similar interest with woman, They love flowers!!!.Actually not woman love flower because they assume flower is pretty and nice to be touch and felt really being appreciate by soemeone they love if someone special gave them those flower  but  to Hummingbird, flower is their needed in their life.Favourite flower that Hummingbird always choose is honeysuckle, beebalm, lilac, snowberry and cranberry.I also love all those flower.

the larva of the hawk moth, Manduca quinquemaculata, is parasitized by the braconid wasp Cotesia congregata that lays dozens of eggs

the most strange caterpillar i ever seen,its unique but so amazing pretty.


The blind Snake

         Leptotyphlops dulcis  Texas Blind Snake is the scientific name for The Blind snake. This creature absolutely different than other snake because of the features and appearance. These creatures commonly found in arid grasslands and desert fringes as long as moisture and surface cover, such as rocks and logs area. These blind snakes are fossorial and have a various type of habitat, which is ample food and loose, moist soil. This habitat normally found in arborescent (resembling a tree in form and branching structure) place. This animal has been found in In the United States, L. dulcis is found in southwestern Kansas, western Oklahoma, central Texas, southern New Mexico, and southeastern Arizona. In Mexico, this species ranges from Chihuahua, Coahuila, and Tamaulipas, to Nuevo Leon, San Luis Potosi, Veracruz, Queretaro, Hidalgo, and Puebla.
common size of The Blind snake 
This cute little snake are very small, the average length for this little creature are around  4 to 5 mm in diameter, have small, uniform, smooth scales, blunt heads, and reduced eyes. Their skin colour is more to reddish brown to pink or gray with most pigment in the seven most dorsal scale rows. According to Alexandra Prediger,how this creature run their reproduction is by “Males follow female pheromone trails to find mates. "Mating balls" of blind snakes are not uncommon, where several males try to copulate with the same female at once. Mating occurs under a rock or in a crevice and the male wraps himself around the female in a corkscrew shape”. This little blind are really small and have some difficulty to expose themselves because of their fossorial habits.
Blind Snake head 
   The truth about this creature, they are not really blind and they still can distinguish changes in light intensity. They also use chemical to communicate with other blind snake. Blind snake is carnivore and they only eat insects, terrestrial non-insect arthropods. The predator for these snake is Eastern screech owls, this is because of researcher  using found them in nest screech owls.


The Red -Lipped Batfish
       Ogcocepphalus darwini or as known as The Red-Lipped Batfish,This animal can be found in Galapagos Islands.This animal only can be found in deep of the sea.In my opinion this creature are really strange because its head look like crab and its fish and its look like fierce creature ,which is easily get mad with others species.This species actually have a broad head, slight body, and is covered in large gnarled lumps. These fish have developed distinctively bright red lips. Such characteristic lips are thought to aid them in recognising each other during breeding and spawning (other than their pinocchio nose, walking fins and old lady moustache).The secret weapon for this fish is These fish have down-turned mouths which are often very good at dropping their jaw quickly to grab prey on the sea floor.unfortunatlely this fish are not really good at swim but the cutest things about this batfish is they have to modified pectoral fins that are better suited for ‘walking’ along the ocean floor than swimming.
The Red Lipped-Batfish from other views.

The common food for them is small fish, mollusks, and crustaceans such as shrimps and crabs. They can become bigger until 40 cm long. I wondering what can I could found if I go near to their habitat, It must be amazing and I do really hope I can touch them and share it with the whole world.


The Indian Purple frog
The scientific name for this unique creature is Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis and this is because of derives from the Sanskrit word nasika (nose) referring to the pointed snout, the Greek word batrachus (meaning frog), and Sahyadri which is the local name of the Western Ghats mountain range where it was found.This animal are really rare and only 135 individuals have so far been observed, and of these only three have been females.This animal only can be found in loose and damp soiled burrows close to permanent or temporary water sources of secondary forest near montane evergreen forest and cardamom plantations.

The suitable place Indian Purple frog can be found but they rarely expose themselves because they only spent their time in underground.

    The unique things about this little frog is  Purple Frogs live in burrows that are around 1-4 meters underground. They're solitary and live by themselves except when breeding, which is usually the only time they surface and lasts several weeks. They gather around shallow water sources and pair up and mate, laying fertilized eggs in pools that hatch into tadpoles, which will undergo metamorphosis to become adults.The population for this creature is decline to ninety percent and this animal hard to be found.weirdly,their threaten is ongoing forest loss for coffee, cardamom, ginger and other species for cultivation.This animal actually already exist for long 130 million years and they spent mostly their time in underground. 


The Thorny Dragon

Moloch horridus Thorny Devil, Mountain Devil or As known as Thorny dragon.I do really like this little creature because it was so cute and they look really inspiring and its bring us some imagination about what really dragon look alike.For me animals is like my second life, is like a honour for me to explore their magnificent world.If I got a chance to explore their world I will take it without thinking twice.Back to this little creature,they primarily found in in the Great Sandy Desert interior of Australia in regions with sandy soils.Mostly could be seen in sandy or sandy loam soils, not in rocky or hard soils area.

Thorny Dragon

 According to Tanya Dewey” Thorny devils are well-known for the many, large spines on their bodies. Their large spines are entirely boneless, only two parietal spines are supported by modest bony bosses on the skull. Their bodies are covered with thick shields and spiny cones and they are marked with golden and brown patches that serve to camouflage them in their arid habitats.”.They also hard to be found because of their specialist by avoiding from any predators.They also can change its skin colour depending on body temperature.Usually females are larger than males, averaging 45.5 g (range 33 to 88.7 g) and 91 mm snout-vent length (range 80 to 110 mm). Males average 31.2 g and 78.7 mm snout-vent length and never weigh more than 49 g or measure more than 96 mm but the average for their weight can easily change in a big different.Their lifespan could be 6 to 20 years.


The Blue Parrrotfish

Scaridae Parrotfishes or The Blue Parrotfish are normally found in in tropical waters throughout the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific oceans.According to R. Jamil Jonna Parrotfishes are characterized by their distinctive beak-like jaws, in which the teeth are fused together in most species, and a pharyngeal apparatus , which acts as a second set of jaws in the throat. In the pharyngeal apparatus, the teeth are arranged in rows and are highly specialized to grind, crop, and crush food as it is processed.The lifespan for this unique fish is less than 20 years and most live less than five years.This creature have magical blue color on their body,for me Blue is are always significant and cute colour,This blue Parrotfish are also adorable and it must be so cute iif we could touch and play around with them.

Blue Parrotfish during the night

The significant about this creature is they can change its shape, colour, and even gender during its life. It is amazing fact about them when they can change  gender repeatedly throughout their lives, and their coloration and patterns, which are a classification nightmare, varying greatly, even among the males, females, and juveniles of the same species. In addition they also can parrot fish envelope themselves in a transparent cocoon made of mucous secreted from an organ on their head during the night, this would be the how they protect themselves during night when facing with the dangerous predators.

Thursday 21 August 2014


    The Saiga Antelope 

The Saiga antelope are recently has been list in the extinct population and we as human help them by doing nothing. This creature are really special and unique but there Is people keep ignoring their population and keep hunting this creature just because of their uniqueness. Saiga Antelope can be found in Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Russia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan.This creature have arge humped nose hangs over the mouth of the saiga. The nose is flexible and inflatable so helps it to breathe clean air during dusty summers and warm air during cold winters.
The Saiga antelope are recently has been list in the extinct population and we as human help them by doing nothing. This creature are really special and unique but there Is people keep ignoring their population and keep hunting this creature just because of their uniqueness. Saiga Antelope can be found in Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Russia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan.This creature have arge humped nose hangs over the mouth of the saiga. The nose is flexible and inflatable so helps it to breathe clean air during dusty summers and warm air during cold winters.

The cute Saiga antelope during winter :)

 The most significant about this animal is they can change their coat, which is coat is sparse and cinnamon coloured during the summers, turning to a very thick white coat during the winters. This antelope are very cute because their shape are similar to sheep, I do fall in love with this creature and I do keep an ambition to protect them by my own self. 
 Saiga Antelope Horn(they took for Traditional Chinese medicine )

The Saiga Antelope can live until 6 -10 years.Unfortunely irresponsible hunter  keep hunting this cute antelope. The number for antelope population is ridiculously different, which is since 1990s the population for the antelope are were over a million, but now estimated to be around 50,000.It would not be so weird if in the future the number for this Antelope can be count by finger.Usually,they hunting this little animal is because of horn used in traditional Chinese medicine and also the meat.Last but not least i do really hope my reader will together take an action to protect all the beautiful and unique creature around the world.Together we speak for the animal  right :) .



Odontodactylus scyllarus or as known as Peacock Mantis Shrimp is the beautiful creature which live in the deep of the sea.This shrimps have beautiful appearance but they well known as powerful smashers and  they got label as a very dangerous predators.This creature can be found in Indo-Pacific Ocean, south of Japan, north of Australia, and between eastern Africa and Guam.They also can be seen at depth around of 3-40 m and usually found at depth of 10-30 m.These habitat commonly live in U-shaped burrows, often built near the bases of coral reefs on sandy and gravelly areas.

The Peacock mantis shrimp`s head
Peacock Mantis Shrimp`s tail

 I exceedingly impress with their appearance and power. In my personal opinion this creature are almost perfect. This is because they have unique attraction and also the best weapons power at the same time. Have u imagine how perfect they are ? .They appearance are mostly like assembling lobsters. They are very brightly colored, with a base body color of olive or green, brightly covered orange antennae scales, red raptorial appendages (used to smash prey), red setae on their uropod’s, and leopard like spots covering the lateral sides of the lower carapace. This creature also have beautiful tails.People would be really impress when they got to see this shrimp by their own eyes.
The peacock Mantis Shrimp`s secret weapon.

    The biggest secret about this creature are they are really aggressive hunter and  barely active in day and night.According to Frankie chue “The powerful strikes of peacock mantis shrimp are powered by elastic forces, meaning that the farther back they pull their raptorial appendages, the stronger the strike; speeds of up to 20 m/s have been recorded for a strike. Each strike actually generates two blows, one from the impact of the limb itself (400-1501 Newtons) and one from the explosion of a cavitation bubble created from the initial impact (up to 504 Newtons). When kept in aquaria, these mantis shrimp have been known to crack the glass of their tanks.”From what I have found this creature are really powerful and impressive predators in the deep of the sea. :)


The Pacu Fish

     Pacu Fish or red-bellied pacu  is the stranger  fish ,which is their teeth are similar to human and also known as Piaractus brachypomus  Cachama.According to Blake hintz ,Pacu fish can be  found in and around floodplains of nutrient rich tributaries, or in headwaters when nutrients are poor. Pacu move further out into main waterways as they mature. Optimal water pH is 6.8, with an optimal temperature of 26°C. Considered a mid-level swimmer, this species is found at depths of up to 8 meters. The habitat region for these species is the tropical and fresh water and also can be detect in river areas.

     Normally, people will get confused with type of Pacu fish with others Pacu because of similar appearance, there is three type of Pacu which is (Piaractus mesopotamicus, Colossoma macropomum) or piranha (Pygocentrus nattereri) species but they absolutely have lots of different that can  allow people to define vividly. The irony about this Pacu fish is their teeth, even though they have different comparison with piranha but they have two rows of hard, flattened teeth used for crushing seeds and nuts. This dentition is comprised of 2 series of molariform incisors located on the premaxilla and 1 row of dentary teeth. The Pacu fish have little similarity with Piranha because they have  dark grey to black spots on the body and the spot will be fade slowly  when the  age of Pacu get increase. The rage mass for this Pacu is 1 to 25 kg and the length is 25 to 88 cm.

    People can define how they communicate with each other’s when they use alarm chemical known as "Schrekstoff". If one fish is injured, this substance is discharged from the wound into the water, alerting nearby conspecifics and related species of possible danger.The Pacu also can define movement in the water using their lateral line system. Visual, tactile, acoustic, chemical are types of communication channel that they use to interact with the others shoaling. From this we can describe what Pacu Fish look alike and the unique things that Pacu fish have, which is they have similar teeth like a human and their appearance have similar with the piranha. Last but not least, these fish can grow bigger than we thought even though they live in floodplain.



   The giant isopods is the crustaceans, and are closely related to marine crustaceans like shrimp and crabs, and terrestrial crustaceans like the pillbug (Armadillidium vulgare).The giant isopod have two type of color, which is brown and pale-lilac. The peculiar about this creature is they seldom eat but once they are hungry they will rapidly looking food surrounding them and started to eat continuously. They are deep sea creature and they are not as aggressive as other creature. They consider as live in semi-herbination and these creepy creature also have a slow metabolism.

    For this creature they use their antenna to communicate among them because they could not see very well as the others creature ,this is because of they stay in deep of the sea. they have two sets of antennae that they use to experience the environment around them. “The small antennas are used more for chemical sensing and big antennas that are used for physical sensing. This creature can getting bigger even though for the baby isopod. The size is around 7.5 and 14.2 inches in length, but they can get much bigger, One specimen pulled up with an ROV in 2010 was 2.5 feet long.

              This creature are really unique for me in term of the size, their habitat, the way the live is really amazing because they are easy to control .In addition, these species has a the largest eggs of all marine invertebrates ,which is 51 inches in diameter and during the day the female won’t show off because they protecting their egg from any threaten. Once the baby are come out, it will look like a big isopod ,this is because of don’t have a larval stage, they’re roughly 3.4 inches long when they go forth and look exactly like adults. All they’re missing is the last pair of pereopods, or legs, when fully grown, they will have seven pairs of legs   in total. This is the significant of this carnivores creature and I do really impress  with how this animals getting bigger without eat constantly and could find their limited food sources in the deep of the sea.

Wednesday 20 August 2014


           Lowland Streaked Tenrecs is look alike a combination between  a hedgehog and a bumblebee and it can fit our little hands. The Lowland streaked is very cute and really suitable with colour which is spiky bristles between their fur and distinct black and yellowish stripes and with the unusual of the spiky yellow bristles around their head, helps them to disguise in the forest floor. The predator also easily can be fooled by these little mammals.

           This little mammals can only be found in the Madagascar and have two type of species, which is Hemicentetes, H. semispinosus and H. nigriceps.For these mammals they only can live for 30 (high) months for some range lifespan, for the average lifespan is 2.6 years. The impressive thing about these little mammals is they are active in day and night different than other animals which is only active in either day nor night.
In my opinion the cutest and unique things about these Trenrercs  is their way to communicate with each other’s ,the males will may fight over females by biting each other, head-butting, or grappling, but they are generally docile. Head-butting is extremely useful during scuffles over mates due to an enlarged frontalis muscle on the forehead that increases mobility of the facial spines. In addition the female are also not so aggressive and they are being polite with not avoiding between them. They also use Nose-touching to interaction between individuals. They are so small and yet so easy to handle and if I got chances I would love to take them as a unique and special pets. These mammals vermivorous (worm-eating) type of mammals and the animals that they can eat is Insects, terrestrial non-insect arthropods, terrestrial worms. These animals can be treated by the natural animals, human also are the predators for this little Tenrecs.It is such a honor for me to know this little mammals and I do love them for the rest for my life.

THE Narwhal

The Narwhal

Narwhals is one of my favourite animal because it is really full of mysterious by look at their magical physical appearance. By looking at their appearance it is likely its gave me an inspired to look over them. I extremely love animals and Narwhal is the animal that I really wanted to see. We can see their tusk are ridiculously magnificent is like the biggest gift from god to be proud of. They also look so decent to the eyes to be look. During my  childhood Unicorn are the top list for me to be look but afterwards I think the narwhal are the replacement for the Unicorn because Narwhals are the Unicorn of the Ocean.

 From what I have found Narwhal are looks like a cross between a whale and a unicorn with its long, spiraled tusk jutting from its head. Males most commonly have tusks, and some may even have two. The tusk, which can grow as long as 10 feet, is actually an enlarged tooth. The tusk must be the asset for them to attract the female and be the symbolic  to dominant the species in particular group and also as the prove for their credibility for a male.

For Narwhal their habitat can be found in Arctic waters of Canada, Greenland, Norway and Russia. Narwhal are usually move slowly, but are known to be remarkably quick when chased by predators. They love to spent their day near the surface of the ocean, but can dive up to 5,000 feet and usually stay in a particular groups but in large participation. If to analysing how they communicate with each other they will squeals, trills and clicks and for the males they always cross tusks in a behaviour known as ‘tusking. For Narwhal lifespan it is took 50 years for them to continue their life with Up to 1.8 tons; females are slightly smaller than males weight and 13-16 feet length.

The narwhal can be threat by the Polar bear and Ocras(The orca, or "killer whale" (Orcinus orca) is a toothed whale and is the largest member of the dolphin family).Furthermore, the narwhal also can be dead because of unexpected causes, which is because of impacts of climate change and  the insufficient food sources. What can we do to save the Narwhal is rapidly speak for the wildlife and also start to take an action. The Narwhal are really special and I do really hope I can save their population share it with my next generation.



     Okapi are one of the rearrests animals that I ever seen and also have beautiful unique characteristics. From what I have found,  Okapi is an elusive herbivore that is found in a small pocket of tropical mountain forest in central Africa. Despite it's Deer-like appearance the Okapi is actually one of the last remaining ancestors of the Giraffe, which is the tallest animal on Earth. Along with having a relatively long neck compared to it's body size, the most striking feature of the Okapi is the horizontal stripes that are particularly visible on their behinds and give this animal an almost Zebra-like appearance. Okapi are also sky and secretive type of animal and seldom show themselves with people. The best thing about Okapi is they are not dangerous animals even though they are so unique. Which is mean we can come near to them but they are not easy to be close.Even though Okapi a shy and secretive animals but they have their owns way to protect themselves from predators. Okapi use its long neck as a tool to both defend itself and its territory. As we know, Okapi is actually one of the last remaining ancestors of the Giraffe, which is the tallest animal on Earth but look alike deer.  Okapi also has a red-brown collared coat of fur with horizontal, white striped markings that are found on their hind quarters and at the tops of their legs, and provide the Okapi with excellent camouflage in the dense jungle. Okapi also have their own protector by easily keeping away from any threat.

                When it comes to its habitat Okapi only can be found in found in the dense tropical rainforests of north-eastern Democratic Republic of Congo generally at an altitude that can vary between 500 and 1,000 meters, although the majority of individuals are thought to inhabit areas at roughly 800 meters above sea level.The Okapi appearance are really unique because of the colour and also the fur, they are to expose with the predators and also unlicensed  hunter, I do really terrified  and feel unsafe for my lovely Okapi .This is  because of they can be one from extinct animals in the world and we might facing with losing of these beautiful creature and at that time we already lost everything.For me this lovely creature is really unique because they look like a deer but their size are ridiculously different and the size are absolutely like a gynaecological it could not be found easier in any where.
the okapi 

Monday 18 August 2014



Shoebill is one of the most unique creatures that I attracted the most because  of its physical  ,lifespan and behavior. Shoebill are also known as Balaeniceps rex and its population mainly can be found in Southern Sudan(mainly in the White NILE Sudd ),the wetlands of northern Uganda and Western Tanzania and the Bangweulu swamp of northeastern Zambia. In my opinion it’s such a beautiful experience if we could see this bird in front of our eyes and had an experience to touch these birds closely.

As I said before I do really attracted by its physical things because of it such a large bird different than others ordinary is also somewhat frightful looking birds, Shoebill  storks stand 110 to 140 cm tall. According to what I have found shoebill males are larger than female and have longer bills. The plumage is slaty blue gray overall with a darker grey head. We can differentiate the adult and the newly bird by the colors. A newly hatched shoebill stork is covered in silvery-grey silky down and juveniles are slightly darker shade of grey than adults. Shoebills physical can be vividly describe by the roughly looking at these bird by our owns eyes but still I'm still interested to tell the readers about Shoebill physical so that reader could imagine about shoebill speciality. I would like to highlight that shoebill mandibles have sharp edges that aid in capturing its prey and also shoebill eyes are large and yellowish or grayish-white in color. Shoebill has a long and blackish leg and also toes are ridiculously long and divided with no webbing between them.

        For shoebill behavior, they are rarely found in group and only when it comes to food they will stay in small group for temporary period of time. As what I has read shoebills are non-migratory as long as good foraging conditions exist. In addition, they will make seasonal movements between nesting and feeding zones. For their key behaviors, they are terricolous, flies, diurnal, sedentary, solitary and territorial. For the lifespan they can live for almost 36 years in the wild. For me it was so significant creature because they can stay live longer than others animals, yet the they can survive even though not in a bigger group,

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                                                       welcomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!! :)
     Assalamualaikum... welcome to my blog,well...once you visit my blog there is no turning back,,hhehehee..My name is Azura and I extremely love any kind of  animals
and roughly  addicted to animals is my priority,,opss before that Im from Malaysia  and I am creating  this blog for education purposes and also just wanna share my lil thought about animals and exploring their world deeply. I do really hope you will enjoy my crack words with full of joyful. I'm just wanna share these useful input with the entire world,which is the existent  full of uniqueness and mysterious creature around the world is really exist.Perhaps,stop swing your mood and stay calm while  met with my favourite unique animals in the world and let you brain spinning in a comfort zone. ciao !!! 
                                           lets take a look :)