Valentine's Day Pumping Heart


Thursday 21 August 2014


The Pacu Fish

     Pacu Fish or red-bellied pacu  is the stranger  fish ,which is their teeth are similar to human and also known as Piaractus brachypomus  Cachama.According to Blake hintz ,Pacu fish can be  found in and around floodplains of nutrient rich tributaries, or in headwaters when nutrients are poor. Pacu move further out into main waterways as they mature. Optimal water pH is 6.8, with an optimal temperature of 26°C. Considered a mid-level swimmer, this species is found at depths of up to 8 meters. The habitat region for these species is the tropical and fresh water and also can be detect in river areas.

     Normally, people will get confused with type of Pacu fish with others Pacu because of similar appearance, there is three type of Pacu which is (Piaractus mesopotamicus, Colossoma macropomum) or piranha (Pygocentrus nattereri) species but they absolutely have lots of different that can  allow people to define vividly. The irony about this Pacu fish is their teeth, even though they have different comparison with piranha but they have two rows of hard, flattened teeth used for crushing seeds and nuts. This dentition is comprised of 2 series of molariform incisors located on the premaxilla and 1 row of dentary teeth. The Pacu fish have little similarity with Piranha because they have  dark grey to black spots on the body and the spot will be fade slowly  when the  age of Pacu get increase. The rage mass for this Pacu is 1 to 25 kg and the length is 25 to 88 cm.

    People can define how they communicate with each other’s when they use alarm chemical known as "Schrekstoff". If one fish is injured, this substance is discharged from the wound into the water, alerting nearby conspecifics and related species of possible danger.The Pacu also can define movement in the water using their lateral line system. Visual, tactile, acoustic, chemical are types of communication channel that they use to interact with the others shoaling. From this we can describe what Pacu Fish look alike and the unique things that Pacu fish have, which is they have similar teeth like a human and their appearance have similar with the piranha. Last but not least, these fish can grow bigger than we thought even though they live in floodplain.

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