Valentine's Day Pumping Heart


Saturday 23 August 2014


The Thorny Dragon

Moloch horridus Thorny Devil, Mountain Devil or As known as Thorny dragon.I do really like this little creature because it was so cute and they look really inspiring and its bring us some imagination about what really dragon look alike.For me animals is like my second life, is like a honour for me to explore their magnificent world.If I got a chance to explore their world I will take it without thinking twice.Back to this little creature,they primarily found in in the Great Sandy Desert interior of Australia in regions with sandy soils.Mostly could be seen in sandy or sandy loam soils, not in rocky or hard soils area.

Thorny Dragon

 According to Tanya Dewey” Thorny devils are well-known for the many, large spines on their bodies. Their large spines are entirely boneless, only two parietal spines are supported by modest bony bosses on the skull. Their bodies are covered with thick shields and spiny cones and they are marked with golden and brown patches that serve to camouflage them in their arid habitats.”.They also hard to be found because of their specialist by avoiding from any predators.They also can change its skin colour depending on body temperature.Usually females are larger than males, averaging 45.5 g (range 33 to 88.7 g) and 91 mm snout-vent length (range 80 to 110 mm). Males average 31.2 g and 78.7 mm snout-vent length and never weigh more than 49 g or measure more than 96 mm but the average for their weight can easily change in a big different.Their lifespan could be 6 to 20 years.

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