Valentine's Day Pumping Heart


Wednesday 20 August 2014

THE Narwhal

The Narwhal

Narwhals is one of my favourite animal because it is really full of mysterious by look at their magical physical appearance. By looking at their appearance it is likely its gave me an inspired to look over them. I extremely love animals and Narwhal is the animal that I really wanted to see. We can see their tusk are ridiculously magnificent is like the biggest gift from god to be proud of. They also look so decent to the eyes to be look. During my  childhood Unicorn are the top list for me to be look but afterwards I think the narwhal are the replacement for the Unicorn because Narwhals are the Unicorn of the Ocean.

 From what I have found Narwhal are looks like a cross between a whale and a unicorn with its long, spiraled tusk jutting from its head. Males most commonly have tusks, and some may even have two. The tusk, which can grow as long as 10 feet, is actually an enlarged tooth. The tusk must be the asset for them to attract the female and be the symbolic  to dominant the species in particular group and also as the prove for their credibility for a male.

For Narwhal their habitat can be found in Arctic waters of Canada, Greenland, Norway and Russia. Narwhal are usually move slowly, but are known to be remarkably quick when chased by predators. They love to spent their day near the surface of the ocean, but can dive up to 5,000 feet and usually stay in a particular groups but in large participation. If to analysing how they communicate with each other they will squeals, trills and clicks and for the males they always cross tusks in a behaviour known as ‘tusking. For Narwhal lifespan it is took 50 years for them to continue their life with Up to 1.8 tons; females are slightly smaller than males weight and 13-16 feet length.

The narwhal can be threat by the Polar bear and Ocras(The orca, or "killer whale" (Orcinus orca) is a toothed whale and is the largest member of the dolphin family).Furthermore, the narwhal also can be dead because of unexpected causes, which is because of impacts of climate change and  the insufficient food sources. What can we do to save the Narwhal is rapidly speak for the wildlife and also start to take an action. The Narwhal are really special and I do really hope I can save their population share it with my next generation.

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