Valentine's Day Pumping Heart


Sunday 24 August 2014


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               Atheris squamigera African Bush Viper, Rough-scaled Bush Viper also well known as The Bush viper.This animal accurately found in at elevations ranging from 100 to 400 m in elevation. The climate of the Takamanda Forest Reserve, Cameroon, where this species is particularly abundant, alternates between rainy (April to November) and dry seasons. Rainfall in the Reserve varies from 1500 mm to 10,000 mm per year. The typical colour for this species is yellowish-green on the dorsum and venter.according to article that I have found “A. squamigera also has relatively large eyes. It has long, tubular, hollow fangs, which are supplied with venom by a gland located on the upper jaw, between the eyes and mouth. These retractable fangs are connected to a bone that can shift posteriorly within the upper jaw to house the fangs. (Branch and Bayliss, 2009; Chifundera, 1990; Corniskey, et al., 2003; Cundall, 2009; Ota and Hidida, 1987)”.


The usual average range length is 50 to 79.9 cm.The average lifespan for this Bush viper is 10 to 20 years in the wild. This Atheris squamigera are mostly normal like other vipers, they play a role as an ambush predator.  They will spend most of their time by laying and waiting to grab any prey with speeds recorded in milliseconds.


Honestly, This creature are roughly like my addiction. I won’t miss any chance to touch them if I could and I have a dream to keep them with for the rest of life. I absolutely fall in love with their Gorgeous colour.For me, Snake show some elegant attitude and have the biggest secret weapon .They also have their own concept, people will respect them and afraid of them even though they only have small size of body.



                  Ambystoma mexicanum Salamandra ajolote or as known as Axolots,they may be found in Lakes Chalco and Xochimilco of the Valley of Mexico near Mexico City, Mexico.The Biogeographic regions for this Axolots is Neotropical.Acccording to Amy Majchrzak “Axolotls are paedomorphic or neotenic aquatic salamanders, meaning they retain certain larval characteristics in the adult, reproductive state. They possess feathery external gills and finned tails for swimming. Laboratory animals exist in several colour morphs, ranging from wild type (dark, mottled brownish-green) to albino. Axolotls reach lengths on average of 20 cm (9 inches), but can grow to more than 30 cm (12 inches) in length”. This animal usually can be detect their gender when they become adults,which Is female have a smaller cloaca and round, plump bodies than male.



       The common mass for axolots is 60 to 110 g and average length is 23cm.The lifespan for this animal is 5 to 6 years but this animals one of extinct list and the population for this little creature are keep decline. Axolotls are solitary and may be active at any time of the day, this show that how active are this creature. This animal are so cute because they can smile like a human and they assembling cartoon character. They use via visual cues and chemical cues during mating. They can detect electrical fields and also use their vision and chemical cues and can detect their threaten in faster ways.
   The cutest thing about this animal they just eat everything that they can catch including including molluscs, fishes, and arthropods, as well as con specifics.The ecosystem roles for this creature the Axolots are the he top predator in their native environment. I was really impress with animals because they were so cute but they was a top predator.

Saturday 23 August 2014


Aye -aye

               Daubentonia madagascariensis also known as Aye-aye and commonly found in wide variety of environments including primary and secondary rainforest, deciduous forest, cultivated plantations, and occasionally dry scrub forest and mangrove forest. They spend most of their time in the upper two levels of the canopy. The accurate mass weight for this Aye-aye is 2570 to 2615 g and length around 360 to 440 mm.The unusual  about this animal is they can mating cycle females typically mate with more than one male, representing a multi-male, multi-female mating system. The lifespan for this creature is 23.3 years.

Baby Aye-aye
          I think I love this animal because this animal are one of  the main character in Madagascar cartoon. I do really happy to know this animal are really exist and I love to look for this animals. Baby aye-aye must be so cute because its look alike a baby monkey but they are different. According to  Elizabeth Boucher Aye –Aye have a head-body length from 360 to 440 mm and a long bushy tail. The coat is long, coarse, and either dark brown or black in color, with scattered white guard hairs. The face and throat are pale gray and facial features include yellow-orange or sandy brown eyes surrounded by dark markings, large triangular ears, a short snout, and a pink nose. There is no significant sexual dimorphism between males and females”.
Aye-aye skeleton hand

            The irony about Aye-aye is have have highly specialized digits. The third digit of the hand is slender(moving and bending with ease), elongated(synonyms to stretched), and flexible(able to flex:able to bend easily), and is especially important in feeding behaviors. The Aye –aye spent their time to sleep in daytime and only come out during the half an hour before sunset and continues to 3 hours after sunset and male are more active than female. Their habit is clinging upside down on branches  so they  can rest vertically or horizontally. They are carnivore type of food chain and they love to eat leaves seeds, grains, and nuts fruit nectar, sap or other plant fluids.Vividly this animals are easy to take as a pets and they are adorable too. 

cute little Aye-aye habit



                  Umbonia crassicornis (Amyot and Serville) (Insecta: Hemiptera: Membracidae) is the scientific name for the Umbonia spinopsa .This animal can be found in South and Central America, Mexico, and southern Florida.The uniqueness about this animals is they have thorn and they well known as Thorn bug.According to research that I have found The thorn bug is an occasional pest of ornamentals and fruit trees in southern Florida. During heavy infestations, nymphs and adults form dense clusters around the twigs, branches and even small tree trunks. The trunks were so heavily infested that is was difficult to place a finger anywhere on the trunk without touching a specimen.this animal have various species as to size, color and structure, particularly the pronotal horn of males. Typically, the adult is about 0.5 inch in length and is green or yellow with reddish lines and brownish markings.In my personal opinion this creature is really beautiful and magnificent.


 Hemaris thysbe or known as The hummingbird Hawk-moth.This gorgeous moth might be found in north as Alaska and the Northwest Territories. In the continental United States, Hemaris thysbe they occur west to Oregon. They are most common in the eastern part of the United States, and as far south as Florida and Texas. Hemaris habitat usually plowing flower gardens, meadows, and forest edges. The significant about this unique creature is they can fly far away and a few of them can across desert regions because the scarcity of food and water sources even though they have small body.


 Average for adults Hemris tysbe wings is 4 to 5.5 cm and the colour for their wings is dark red to almost black. According to Katie Drury “After their first flight however, some of the scales fall off, leaving clear spots with no scales. Thus, the wings are typically clear with reddish to brown color border. The forewing cell has a medial row of scales and a dark margin. The body is spindle shaped and varies in color from olive green to reddish-brown”.
Life Cycle of Hummingbird Hawk-moth
In my personal perception, this moth is really beautiful and if woman have a chance to choose want they want to be as a moth, they will choose this creature because they looks lovely and have woman scent. As we all know, woman are really complex but have soft heart and really protective same goes to this creature behavior because they often involves pheromones, love songs and aerobatic flight. As I said before this creature have similar interest with woman, They love flowers!!!.Actually not woman love flower because they assume flower is pretty and nice to be touch and felt really being appreciate by soemeone they love if someone special gave them those flower  but  to Hummingbird, flower is their needed in their life.Favourite flower that Hummingbird always choose is honeysuckle, beebalm, lilac, snowberry and cranberry.I also love all those flower.

the larva of the hawk moth, Manduca quinquemaculata, is parasitized by the braconid wasp Cotesia congregata that lays dozens of eggs

the most strange caterpillar i ever seen,its unique but so amazing pretty.


The blind Snake

         Leptotyphlops dulcis  Texas Blind Snake is the scientific name for The Blind snake. This creature absolutely different than other snake because of the features and appearance. These creatures commonly found in arid grasslands and desert fringes as long as moisture and surface cover, such as rocks and logs area. These blind snakes are fossorial and have a various type of habitat, which is ample food and loose, moist soil. This habitat normally found in arborescent (resembling a tree in form and branching structure) place. This animal has been found in In the United States, L. dulcis is found in southwestern Kansas, western Oklahoma, central Texas, southern New Mexico, and southeastern Arizona. In Mexico, this species ranges from Chihuahua, Coahuila, and Tamaulipas, to Nuevo Leon, San Luis Potosi, Veracruz, Queretaro, Hidalgo, and Puebla.
common size of The Blind snake 
This cute little snake are very small, the average length for this little creature are around  4 to 5 mm in diameter, have small, uniform, smooth scales, blunt heads, and reduced eyes. Their skin colour is more to reddish brown to pink or gray with most pigment in the seven most dorsal scale rows. According to Alexandra Prediger,how this creature run their reproduction is by “Males follow female pheromone trails to find mates. "Mating balls" of blind snakes are not uncommon, where several males try to copulate with the same female at once. Mating occurs under a rock or in a crevice and the male wraps himself around the female in a corkscrew shape”. This little blind are really small and have some difficulty to expose themselves because of their fossorial habits.
Blind Snake head 
   The truth about this creature, they are not really blind and they still can distinguish changes in light intensity. They also use chemical to communicate with other blind snake. Blind snake is carnivore and they only eat insects, terrestrial non-insect arthropods. The predator for these snake is Eastern screech owls, this is because of researcher  using found them in nest screech owls.